Chadron Primary Students have been learning about school safety and today (10/23) had the opportunity to practice our first Lockdown Drill.  Principal Uhing started by reading the book I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared to each of the classes and teachers have been coaching students and practicing within each classroom.  Students at school are learning to Avoid, Deny, and Defend rather than confrontation and fighting.  Please visit with your children about Lockdown procedures and the drill that was conducted today.  We thank you for your support and if you have any questions about our Standard Response Protocols please call Ms. Uhing at Chadron Primary School.  Below, you can read more about our Lockdown Drill...

Lockdown Drill

Lockdown drills are not life-threatening situations, they are used to practice moving to a secure room, locking and/or barricading doors, making alternative escape plans, and gathering objects of opportunity for weapons.

The most important part of our drill today, is the student discussion and practice of safety procedures and protocols with our staff.

A LOCKDOWN is called when it is believed there is a threat or hazard inside the school building. 


  • If you know exactly where the threat is away and escape. If you are on the playground or outside the school, this may mean you run away from the school to a safe location then report your safety to parents and school officials.

  • If you do not know exactly where the threat is to a secure room. Some rooms, like bathrooms, might not be good choices for security.


  • LOCK THE DOOR. Remain as quiet as possible (silence phones) and turn off the lights. Remain out of sight from any corridors or windows. 

  • Barricade the door if time allows. This is necessary if you are securing a room that you do not have keys or the ability to lock.

  • Begin planning for an alternate escape route if possible that can be used if the door is being breached (intruder begins to enter the room).


  • Gather items that can be used to throw or swing as weapons. If the intruder breaches the locked/barricaded door, use ‘Throw and Go’ to escape - throwing objects while running through the doorway to escape.

  • Be aggressive and commit to your actions in a life-threatening situation. You have our permission to survive!

Follow the instructions of school staff and law enforcement, however, all students and staff may have to make quick and important decisions on their own in a life-threatening situation. 

Do not take the time to lock perimeter doors during a Lockdown. Risk is increased to students and staff in exposed areas attempting to lock outside doors. 

Law Enforcement Or School Administration Will Announce The Completion Of The Drill!

During a Lockdown, use short SMS Texting to communicate to parents at 5-15 minute intervals to minimize the impact of heavy cell service with dropped calls.
