We have added new signage to our playground in order to alert our community to supervision. Our school hours that the playground is supervised are from 7:40 AM to 3:05 PM unless there is an early dismissal. There is no supervision on the playground prior to 7:40 AM. If you are droppping off your student prior to 7:40, please understand supervision is your responsibility. Students not picked up at 3:12 PM will be taken in to the CIA after school program. On early release days, students will be taken inside at 1:25 PM and we will try to call you. Please pick up students at CIS before picking up students at other buildings. With cold weather here please know that we will not let students inside until 7:50 AM unless the temperature is 0 or below. We will also go outside for recesses unless it is below zero, moderate to heavy rain, heavily snowing or dangerous winds! Please make sure your child has the appropriate winter clothing to stay warm while outside. Thank you for understanding our supervision times and weather guidelines.